Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So as a photographer, I often feel like the worst mother and wife imaginable. I am sooooo very lucky that I have the most supportive husband who is by my side during my journey. In addition to my 9 to 5 job, I am running my business. This usually includes photo shoots on the weekends and evenings along with editing until the wee hours of the night. I cannot tell you how many baths and bedtime stories I have had to pass on. I have so many beautiful studio portraits of other people's children and last night it dawned on me..... I have never taken studio pictures of my son before!!! I felt horrible. So, my gracious assistant (aka Hubby) and I took some Valentine's Day pictures last night. As I was editing, I realized what a big boy I have and how quickly times flies. He will be two next month. He is so handsome and adorable. It was funny because I put a "Mom" tattoo on his arm for the shoot but he was convinced it said "Andy" from Toy Story.  Hope you enjoy my lil slice of Heaven. 

Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day! I know it's just another day to many, but I welcome the opportunity to let my little family know how much I love them.

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