Friday, January 27, 2012


One of my favorite things about being a photographer is reconnecting with old friends and sharing the joy of some of their most exciting moments. My friend Allison and I grew up on the same street as teenagers. I remember many sleep overs where we would bump KROQ tunes and talk about all her cool band posters on the wall. She now lives in Arizona with her husband. I am beyond honored that at her last visit to California, she decided to hire me to take her maternity photos. 

I hope that one day I get to take pictures of their sweet baby girl, Emily. Although after the quick photo lesson I gave Pat (Daddy-to-be),  I suspect he will be capturing shots like crazy. It was a fun afternoon and I enjoying taking advantage of the "magic light" Pasadena seems to have. And now for my favorite shot....

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2012! I spent most of 2011 learning and growing. I focused on my health and educated myself on nutrition and managed to lose 40 pounds on the Weight Watchers program. I also spent a majority of my year chasing after a wild but wonderful toddler.(I'm sure that helped shed some pounds)  My son Desmond has grown so much over this last year and is talking up a storm! I love him to no end. My other growing baby is my photography business. I have spent this past year investing in my business, improving my skill and taking pictures of anything and everything I can.

This was one of my very first photo shoots. It was taken in December of 2010 when I first began using my camera. I have become very close to this little boy and his amazing parents. I am so honored that his parents have trusted me to capture all of their son's greatest milestones.

These shots were taken last night. He will be one next month. I love that he and I can measure our growth together. I cannot wait to see what his Senior pictures look like. :)